
Another security forum was held in Baku

The II Baku Security Forum on the theme of “Contemporary challenges to the security of global transportation networks” organized by the State Security Service (SSS) was held with the participation of representatives of the special service agencies of about 50 countries.

Firstly, at the event the address of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev to the participants of the forum was presented and video material covering the topic of the conference was demonstrated.

After welcoming the guests in his speech at the event the Chief of SSS Colonel-General Ali Naghiyev said that the Baku Security Forum, which was held in May of last year and was reorganized this year, was of great importance in the terms of expanding information exchange and other areas of interaction between partner institutions.

The Chief of the Service Ali Naghiyev also pointed out the importance of coordinating the activities of special service agencies in the fight against international terrorism and situations considered a threat to the security system as a whole, and noted that the event is an important platform for the security structures of countries to discuss issues of common interest.

The Chief of the Service highlighted that this year's forum was held on the eve of COP29 and spoke about the fact that acts of terrorist sabotage targeting the transport lines used in the transportation of energy resources can cause economic and environmental disasters of a global nature and in this regard, it is necessary to further strengthen joint efforts and increase the efficiency of common activities.

General-Colonel Ali Naghiyev emphasized that the head of our state Mr. Ilham Aliyev has given continuous political support to the organization of events in our republic on issues relevant to the international world and expressed his confidence that this conference will contribute to the formation of joint approaches and improvement of the action strategy in combating the risks faced by the security of global transport corridors.

Later, the event continued its work with the speeches of the heads of the delegations of foreign special service agencies, and at the end it was stated that the establishment of the Secretariat of the Baku Security Forum at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, which shall operate on a permanent basis in Baku was unanimously supported by the participating countries.

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