
On December 1, 2016 H. E. Mr. Ambassador Anar Imanov met with the leaders of Lao News Agency, Lao National Television, Lao National Radio, MV Lao Free TV as well as representatives of local press such as Vientiane Times and others.

During the meeting Ambassador gave information about the present relationship and further development of the mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Lao. Ambassador said that mass media also should contribute to developing bilateral cooperation between the two countries, particularly in people-to-people contacts.

Representatives of Mass Media of Lao shared their ideas on the perspectives of the cooperation with the Embassy of Azerbaijan, as well as establishment and development of the cooperation between the mass-media structures of the two countries.

Besides to the discussions Ambassador gave information about Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict, socio-economic development, energy and infrastructure projects, tourism potential of Azerbaijan. There were also videos displayed about Azerbaijan.

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